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Community Interpreting

This course is suitable for candidates who would like to learn about the role of a Community Interpreter and explore the public and voluntary sectors and how they support community needs. The role of the interpreter is fully explored and discussed, therefore beneficial for those who wish to enter the profession. It is suitable for candidates who have experience in interpreting for friends and relatives or other members of the community and are interested in developing their skills and knowledge in order to find paid employment.


Friday sessions.

  • FRI 9:30 - 12:30 -15:00 


You will be asked to attend an information, advice and guidance session to find the right level for you. 


A minimum in Level 2 in English and ICT is recommended. Candidates need to complete an initial assessment task to determine their suitability.


Free to those who meet eligibility criteria

Must be 19+ on or before 31/08/2023


Phone: 0161 513 3188 


Stockport Continuing Education Service

Daw Bank



0161 474 5801 / 02

Stockport council
Funded by GMCA

Social Media

Ofsted Good provider


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